Forward Together: Why I'm running, who I am, and my platform (35 page PDF or e-Book)
We need new approaches in Washington, DC. The current approaches aren't working. There is a better way. Chris Stockwell offers the 6th District an objective, centered, and "truly" Independent voice.
Currently, there are no Independents in the US House of Representatives. There should be. Join Democrats, Independents and Republicans. Elect someone who will vote based on the will of the people, not the line of a party; someone with the experience that we really need, and an inspiring and unique vision to help get America back on track. Elect Chris Stockwell, Independent, because he represents exactly what the 6th District - and America - needs.
Oct 27, 2014
"The ranks of unenrolled voters in Boston’s suburbs have grown, while Democratic and GOP numbers slip"
Oct 25, 2014
DANVERS — The three candidates vying to replace John Tierney as 6th District congressman gathered for a sometimes quarrelsome debate at Danvers High School on Thursday night. As the nasty weather continued outside, Democrat Seth Moulton, Republican Richard Tisei and independent Christopher Stockwell took the stage before a largely full...
Oct 25, 2014
Independent congressional candidate Chris Stockwell is counting on voters to fire the “shot heard ‘round the nation” on Nov. 4. The shot, in this case, would be rejecting both the Democratic and Republican candidates in the 6th District and sending a person to Washington who lacks affiliation and loyalty to...
Oct 21, 2014
Stockwell just authored the e-book, Forward Together: Moving Beyond Polarization and Gridlock in Washington, DC. The introduction by journalist and author Linda Killian describes Stockwell’s candidacy as “an effort that is worthy to be remembered.”
Oct 19, 2014
Most Democrats and Republicans agree that we need a strong military to protect our interests at home and abroad. They can’t seem to agree on much else. Gridlock and polarization in Washington has kept us from full economic recovery for years now. Here’s what I’d do to improve our 6th district...
Sep 28, 2014
The upcoming election for the Massachusetts 6th Congressional District needs to be about more than who will replace John Tierney. It is an opportunity to start fixing our broken political system.
Sep 28, 2014
Stockwell said he is not concerned that he is lodged between “a couple of Goliaths” in the race for the 6th Congressional District. “David won.”
Sep 22, 2014
Calls for Removal Of Non-Profit Status (Like MLB and NBA).
Sep 11, 2014
Salem News: Independent's platform focuses on job creation, debt reduction.
Aug 29, 2014 Independent candidate joins the fray in 6th District race.